Evelyn Bonney, Certified Sleep Sense Consultant
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Top tips on toddler bedtime battles | Toddler Sleep Tips | Toddler Sleep Consultant

Top tips on toddler bedtime battles

Toddlers! If you are having toddler bedtime battles you are not alone! It is totally normal for toddlers to want to be in control and push boundaries. It is actually a really important part of their cognitive development. So how

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twins sleep

Should twins sleep together?

One of the questions I get asked a lot is where is the best place for twins to sleep. Should they be in the same cot and should they be in the same room as each other? Well that’s bit

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napping babies

On the go naps. Let’s do this!

Getting out and about when you have children is key to maintaining sanity! But this is easier said than done. I have three children so know this all to well. Here are some of my best tips to get you

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Baby Sleep Consultant

When I how should I wean night feeding?

I get asked this question a lot. Firstly if your child’s six months or older, gaining weight as expected, and your doctor says you’re okay to end night time feeds, then go ahead and give it a shot. But this

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How do you get sick babies to sleep??!!

How do you get sick babies to sleep??!!!  Well its hard but not impossible. He irony of having sick children, is that this is the time they need more sleep than ever so their little bodies can fight the infection

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