Evelyn Bonney, Certified Sleep Sense Consultant
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About Me

baby sleep consultant

My name is Evie, a registered nurse, certified educator, founder of Evelyn Bonney Sleep Consulting, mum of 3 (including twins!) and a certified sleep consultant.

I have been a nurse for over 20 years.  My passion is helping and supporting families when they need it most. I have worn many hats over the years as a ward sister, one on one as a clinical nurse specialist and latterly as the Paediatric Clinic Manager at the International Medical Clinic Singapore.

I enjoyed all of these roles but what I love the most is empowering families with knowledge and education so they can enjoy their parenting journey. What better way to do this than getting parents more sleep!

As a sleep coach I take a holistic approach to children’s sleep training and work one on one with parents and children to provide personalised sleep plans tailored to your child and family’s needs. In home consultations come as standard with my support packages to ensure you get the right advice at the right time. I can support you through the new born phase, sleep regressions and right up to the toddler years to ensure we get your children sleeping through the night!

I look forward to working with you and your family so please do not hesitate to get in touch! For your free 20-minute consultation, click the link below