Getting Back on Track After the Festive Season

The festive period is over. Lots of time spent with friends and family. Lots of fun and socialising. But not much routine and lots of time spent travelling around to fit all the relatives in! Sound familiar???? Getting children back on tract can be tricky, especially if there is an added element of jet […]
5 Common Myths About Baby’s Sleep

I can clearly remember, like most mothers I’m sure, the very moment I gave birth to my first child. I was absolutely buried in feelings of love and gratitude. And then, about ten to fifteen seconds later, I was equally buried in advice, suggestions, and information. This was all thrown at me with the best intentions,
Why Does My Baby Wake Up at 3:00 am?

That right there might be the single most common question new parents ask. Is it a developmental milestone? A regression? Are they getting too much sleep during the day, or not enough? Maybe they’re just hungry. Maybe they’re too hot, or too cold. Well, the truth is that it could be any of those things,
The Four Month Sleep Regression

As a professional sleep consultant, I hear the term “regression” used in regards to just about every imaginable circumstance. Essentially, if baby doesn’t sleep well for a couple of nights, parents start dropping the ‘R’ word. Some people subscribe to the idea that there’s an eight month regression, a 9 month regression