Evelyn Bonney, Certified Sleep Sense Consultant
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Should twins sleep together?

twins sleep

One of the questions I get asked a lot is where is the best place for twins to sleep. Should they be in the same cot and should they be in the same room as each other? Well that’s bit of a loaded question and depends on a number for factors. The priority, as with […]

On the go naps. Let’s do this!

napping babies

Getting out and about when you have children is key to maintaining sanity! But this is easier said than done. I have three children so know this all to well. Here are some of my best tips to get you out and about and hopefully you can avoid some of the mistakes I have made […]

Is sleep deprivation and suffering part of being a parent?

Baby Sleep Consultant

This week something profound struck me and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I was chatting with a friend and she was telling me about her sister who has a one month old baby. She is really struggling with being a new mum and in particular with the lack of sleep. My friend […]

When I how should I wean night feeding?

Baby Sleep Consultant

I get asked this question a lot. Firstly if your child’s six months or older, gaining weight as expected, and your doctor says you’re okay to end night time feeds, then go ahead and give it a shot. But this is easier said than done! Why does your baby continue to wake up at night […]

How do you get sick babies to sleep??!!

How do you get sick babies to sleep??!!!  Well its hard but not impossible. He irony of having sick children, is that this is the time they need more sleep than ever so their little bodies can fight the infection and they can recover quickly. So how can we help get them more sleep when […]

Transitioning from two naps to one. What you need to know!


It’s been a busy two weeks in our house! Although I knew the theory behind this nap transition, and have done it many times before with clients, I have to be honest I was somewhat dreading it with the twins! Firstly, how did I know they were ready to transition to one nap and what […]