Evelyn Bonney, Certified Sleep Sense Consultant
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Ever had your baby crying through the night? If you are a parent struggling to put your child to sleep, a baby sleep consultant with a proven track record can help you get through this challenging phase of life. You do not have to be sleep deprived just because you are a parent. Which is why I have compiled this list of 7 baby sleep consultants who provide the best support for parents like you.

1) Evelyn Bonney – Founder & Certified Sleep Sense Consultant at Evelyn Bonney Sleep Consulting

Evelyn Bonney

Evie is a registered nurse, certified sleep consultant, founder of Evelyn Bonney sleep consulting and mother of 3! With over 20 years of nursing experience, Evelyn wants to empower families with knowledge and education on baby sleep, so that parents can get more sleep and enjoy their parenting journey. Evelyn loves working one on one with parents and children to provide personalised sleep plans tailored to each child and family’s needs.

She offers in home consultations that come with personalised support, so that you can get the right advice at the right time. Whether you are facing challenges to get your baby to sleep through the newborn phase, a sleep regression or even through his/her toddler years, Evelyn has the perfect solution for you – starting with a free initial 20 minute consultation.

2) Louise Duncan – Founder, CEO & Sleep Sense Consultant at Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions

Louise Duncan

Another mum turned sleep consultant, Lousie Duncan is another passionate sleep expert who can help you with your child’s sleep. When Lousie’s little girl, Millie, turned 8 months old, Lousie nearly went into postnatal depression due to lack of proper sleep and rest. She could not enjoy her motherhood journey until she discovered the sleep sense method. With her newly acquired skill, Louise was able to get Millie to sleep through the night. As Louise was so inspired by her experience and wanted to help other families do the same, she started Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions. Today, Louise Duncan is the longest serving and most experienced sleep sense consultant in Singapore and SouthEast Asia.

3) Hannah Yang – Sleep Sense Consultant at Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions

Hannah Yang

Hannah is not just a team member of Petite Dreamers Sleep Solutions, led by Lousie Duncan. She used to be a happy client of Lousie herself! Hannah shares how sleep deprived she was when her baby was fighting through almost sleepless nights. Thankfully, Hannah stumbled upon (and joined) a customized sleep sense program run by Lousie. Ever since then, her family’s sleep quality transformed. And that grew her newfound purpose to help other families achieve the same.

4) Rinie Gupta – Pediatric Sleep Consultant & Newborn Care Specialist at Yawn To Dawn Consulting

Rinie Gupta

Rinie Gupta is another mum turned sleep consultant, who went from zombie-mode to blissful nights. Thanks to discovering the secret sauce to her baby’s sleep! Finding her calling after her arduous motherhood journey with little support, Rinie is now on a mission to help tired mums find the same life-changing sleep success that she did.

If she could get her own little one to go from 5-7 night wakings to snoozing a solid 11 hours, she can surely help your little one too.

5) Angela Wong – Up Child

Angela Wong

Angela’s approach is a little bit different from many other baby sleep consultants based in Singapore. As she believes that prevention is better than cure, her goal is to help parents get their babies to develop a healthy sleep habit right from the start. Aligned to her goal, she doesn’t just offer sleep consultations, but also sleep education group calls for parents with newborns.

Besides, Angela, who is a happy mother of 3, supports parents in 3 areas of a child’s growth: sleep, communication and potty training. If you would like help in any of these areas, book a free discovery call with Angela from UpChild sleep coaching right away.

6) Lavinia Rajah – Founder & Chief Pediatric Sleep Consultant at Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions

Lavinia Rajah

After years of working as a lawyer, Lavinia became a mother and found herself struggling with sleep deprivation as her baby was not sleeping well. The exhaustion affected her bond with her baby boy and prompted her to seek help. A friend’s recommendation led her to a sleep consultant, whose guidance transformed her and her son’s lives. Experiencing the positive change, Lavinia developed a passion for sleep consulting. She trained with the Sleep Sense Program and now uses her experience to help other families achieve restful nights and happier days through Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions.

WIth over 100 perfect Google ratings (as of August 2024), Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions will have one of the best solutions and support for you on your parenting journey.

7) Adeline Chew – Pediatric Sleep Consultant at Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions

Adeline Chew

Adeline is another truly dedicated sleep consultant at Our Little Chicks Sleep Solutions. As a mum of 2 children, she also went through a challenging motherhood journey – facing sleep deprivation, body aches and much more. After solving her children’s sleep struggles with Lavinia’s clear guidance and support, Adeline decided to join Lavinia in her team at Our Little Chicks. She is well versed in both English and Mandarin. So if you prefer communication in Mandarin, Adeline can provide you with support in Mandarin to put your child to sleep!

These 7 best baby sleep consultants in Singapore are certainly filled with passion, empathy and commitment to bring more sleep and happiness into your home. Which of these baby sleep consultants do you resonate the most with?